Informal Meetings
Images has always believed in strong bonding and interaction among it's members. It is very important to understand, uplift and help each other in order to grow as a team.
Images regularly conducts Informal Meetings which include discussions about upcoming events to be conducted, ngo work and much more.
We at Images believe in giving everyone an equal opportunity and making sure everyone's voice is heard. The Informal Meetings also include brain storming sessions, collective decision making and loads of fun. After the rigorous discussions , the team goes to Sukhna to chill out their nerves, have fun sightseeing the beautiful view of Sukhna Lake, clicking random pictures of each other to make some good memories to cherish. The informal meetings also include some great birthday celebrtations and the celebrations of our achievements. The meetings are often followed by amazing parties at pec market or some fun games.
These meetings increase our team bonding and strength and also help us to grow together. Such sessions help the members in bringing out their creativity, channeling their potential, learning new things and increasing their courage and confidence.