"If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello."

EB Transfer is the day when we say goodbye to our old EB and welcome our new Executive Body full of enthusiasm and enthralling ideas. This formal event took place on the 4th of May, 2022. 

The event started with the election officer welcoming the old EB and briefing us about the event. Each candidate contesting the election had to deliver a speech about why they were the best candidate for that position. We learned about each candidate's vision regarding the organization's future and how they will plan to build our personality and character. Each candidate's speech was remarkable and even taught us how to give a formal speech in front of a highly proficient audience. After everyone had finished their address, it was time to vote. The election officer calculated the results based on pre-informed rules. After the results, the old EB addressed all of us, congratulated the newly elected body, and opened the stage for all of us to tell them where they lacked as an Executive Body. 

And there came the end of this beautiful event. The election officer addressed us with his closing speech. The newly elected EB said their last thanks to all of us and got a photo clicked with the previous EB. With this, we present to you our new Executive Body:-

President - Saksham Garg

Vice President - Aadi Singhal

Treasurer - Ashita Bansal

Public-Relations Officer - Sundram Kakkar

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