“There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.”

With the Batch of 2022 starting their new journey of life that is going on their internships, they were bid a warm and love-filled farewell by their juniors(batch of 2023).

An online farewell GBM was planned and conducted on 24 January at the time of twilight. The panel for the GBM comprised of second yearites. The third year, shared their experiences and beautifully enumerated how IMAGES is a family. A video wherein second yearites expressed their feelings and gratitude for their adorable seniors was also played. It was so motivating and maneuvering to hear from our seniors about how IMAGES helps in personality development, confidence and most importantly it helps your grow as an individual. Continuing with the tradition of how fun cannot be forgotten in any of our events, a frolic game was played where some certain accolades where to be entitled by the third year among their fellow IMAGES third yearites.

We were sad to bid them farewell and they will be dearly missed. But we are happy for them since there are bright opportunities waiting at their doorsteps. We again wish the batch of PEC’2022 joy, happiness and excellence as they begin a new chapter in their life.💫☘️

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