Journey of Rajat Heera - Batch of 2021 - IMAGES

" My journey with IMAGES has been absolutely fantastic. Here I learned how to work in a team, co-operation, social adaptability, leadership, organizing abilities, social responsibilities etc. I got a chance to work among some great people. It gave me very important life lesson i.e. "No matter what happens, keeping on moving, you will always find a path ahead, leading to your destiny".

First thing first, it inculcated in me confidence which opened path for good public dealings, better situation handling, becoming good teeam mate and ultimately a responsible citizen. Through IMAGES I came to know that how much I loved to serve people and it lead me to do things which I never thought I would do. All this together improved my personality and if personality is good then you can go anywhere you want, you will be appreciated and accepted by everyone. 

During my time in IMAGES, I am glad that I along with my EB Members (Nitin Mehta, Chirag Gupta and Megha Sharma), was able to start SANRAKSHAN. Though it was nothing big, but still I feel good when i see those trees growing which were planted by IMAGEANS. Apart from that, I will never forget that INCOGNITO event night, the way IMAGES worked was absolutely fantastic. IMAGES has been a integral part of my college life and directly or indirectly it will always be a major part where ever I will go. "

~ Rajat Heera

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