So far...


In these difficult times, we are proud that till now we have managed to pull off such great activities ( below mentioned ) and we will be putting in more efforts to conduct the planned and unplanned activities in the remaining time.

SANGUINE:- It was a kick start to begin the new semester. Sanguine was the first unprepared GBM of this semester, in which all the members participated actively. It all begins with a small step, and this GBM was the first step towards a fruitful semester. 

HEALTH AND HAPPINESS WORKSHOP:- In recent times, a person's mental health has been of vital importance. Images collaborated with "Art of Living"  to organize a Health and Happiness workshop which mainly targeted in  relieving stress and anxiety in these unprecedented times, sharpening the intellect and quietening the mind.

BATTLEGROUND SHOWDOWN(Gaming Event):- To raise money for our upcoming NGO work, we conducted a gaming event which attracted healthy participation. All the participants enjoyed it a lot, and the winners were also awarded with cash prizes.

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