"Life isn't about finding yourself; it is about creating yourself."

Ensuring the growth of every member has always been the prime focus of IMAGES. 

A prepared GBM named PROFUSE was organised on 26th April 2022 in Seminar hall 104, NAB. The organising panel of the meeting were Aadi Singhal, Aashita Bansal, Khushi Talwar, and Pratham Singh. The judges of the GBM were the in-office EB of that semester. 

The panel gave a period of about one week to all the participants to prepare the tasks like Skit on a Social Cause, Brochure on Virtual Teaching Platform, and presentations on topics like Resume Building and Marketing Pitch.

All the participants performed their tasks with great enthusiasm and hunger to learn something new. The jury judged the performances simultaneously and highlighted the areas of improvement regarding confidence, fluency and dedication of the participants towards the tasks.  

Towards the end, one member performed a JAM, and the EB gave its final call of comprehensive experience of the whole GBM. At last, all the members took a group photo and the meeting was finally wrapped up. It was a great experience as it gave everyone a chance to come out of their comfort zones and get a taste of formal professional meetings.

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